Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cemeteries and Catacombs

October is one of my favorite months, and it's mostly because of Halloween.  I'm not talking about dressing up in a costume, but moreso the spirit of the holiday: cemetery visits, scary movies, and that indescribable smell.  You know it when you smell it.  It's the smell that makes you think, "Ah! Halloween-time."  It's part fallen leaves, part crisp air, part burning wood, and why do I try to describe something that I just stated was indescribable?  Because, simply, it makes me happy.  

In the spirit of Halloween and all things macabre, we decided to see what our new home has to offer to evoke the spirit of the season. Our adventures took us to the St. Peter Cemetery and Catacombs.  

Each memorial was distinct, and they all looked as if a family member had just come to take care of the graves, carefully weeding them and lighting the candles.  You cannot tell in the pictures, but many graves had little glowing white candles enclosed in the lanterns.  We didn't see anyone lighting the candles, so that added to the mystery of this beautiful place.  

The catacombs were built inside the mountain.  I had the preconceived notion that the catacombs would be underground in a dark passageway, and that we would continually hear the drip of dankness reverberating throughout the place.  That was not the case.  The catacombs were chilly, yes, but dry.

It's a fake smile because the stone was COLD.  

The windows and lookouts offered us spectacular views of Salzburg's skyline and the cemetery below.

After exploring St. Peter's in the Alt Stadt, we crossed the river to visit St. Sebastian's Cemetery.  Yes, we made a day out of visiting cemeteries.

Along the perimeter of the cemetery, there is this arched walkway, enclosing the field with tombstones.  

Wie, bitte?


1 comment:

  1. "Wie bitte?" comment on skeleton pic:

    Man! What you are, I once was.
    And what I am, you will soon become.

    -Quote the skeleton, "Nevermore"-
